"House at the End of the Street" was really better than expected.

More like fear its sound effects

There is a very interesting twist at the end, which I find totally brilliant.
I love how the whole story falls into place at the end - how it all actually make sense.

So, there I was, entering the cinema with my complimentary tickets, courtesy of my friend Choulyin and ChurpChurp.
I did not read up on the movie, I guess I loved the element of surprise, and also partly because I thought, "Heck, what other storyline can you expect from a horror flick?"". So, I went in expecting a horror movie, but I got something better - I got the kind of movie I love! 

The story starts with a scary murder scene of a couple by their daughter.

Fast forward to present, we saw the typical beginning of any ghost/horror film. Mother and daughter, moving in to a new place, hoping for a new start.

The story become more gripping as we watch further, slowly developing into a mysterious case of "What happened to Carrie Ann?".

If you are a fan of "Criminal Minds", I think you'd enjoy this as much as I do because this movie tells the story starting from the 'criminal', instead of the 'victim'. Hence, the different perspective makes you not suspect anything, making the uncovering of the truth the most mind-blowing experience. 

Unlike some horror/thriller films, the movie does not have those lame endings that leaves you feeling doped. Let's just say, it's not an alien that screwed with Carrie Ann's brain.

I do not want to spoil the movie experience for you - but I think you won't regret watching it in the cinema. I don't think it would have the same effect if you watch at home though, as in you wouldn't experience those moments where you almost flip out off your chair...There was a scene where I literally screamed out of shock and really embarrassed myself. Even my friend looked at me weird. So ya, I think you'd find it "fun" watching it in the cinema. 

The director did a good  job in manipulating our fears using clever placement of sound effects, editing techniques and camera tricks. He cleverly plays with silence, darkness and positioning of camera to create certain ambiguity, making you expect something to pop up any moment. My heart, really almost stopped at certain parts of the movie.

One of the parts that saw me cupping me hands over me eyes was the 'blackout' scene at the end. The lead character, Elissa, had a gun and wanted to shoot the antagonist in the film - but then the lights all went out and her torchlight was flickering. At that moment, I can feel my heart beating at an abnormal rate, because I don't know when the person will pop up right in front of her man! I already screamed once, I cannot scream again...so to save me from embarrassment, I tried to watch between the gaps of my fingers.

The movie stars Hunger Games' lead actress, Jennifer Lawrence and the teenage boy from The Pacifier (no wonder he looked so darn familiar), Max Thieriot. I liked his rugged and more matured look in this movie. However, I think both their performance/acting was only so-so; but I think Max did a slightly better job.

Anyway, till my next movie. Can't wait to watch Ted.


TC-My Ratings:



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