(Sorry this post is 2 months late)

I've heard so much about Thailand before I even land on this "Sawadika" island.
Known for its culture and other kinky stuff, this place is most definitely full of adventure - especially for a first timer like me! 

I was blessed with some good travel companions this time around - and with the back-end info support from colleagues-cum-frequent travellers to Thailand, my trip to Phuket has been awesome! 

Day 1:

We reached Phuket quite late and by the time we reach our hotel in Rawai, it was about 11pm (Malaysian time). 

The hotel was beautiful and we were greeted by two duckies. (I kinda felt out of place as it was obviously a room for couples. Hehehehe, but I am also kind used to being a lamp post *shrugs*)

Anyway, after we dump our stuff, we went out to scout for our breakfast for the next day.
Our walk was scary as we were greeted by Thai dogs. You know I am terrified of dogs, even mini ones, and here you have two large dogs of dunno what breed, running out from the cafe and I just have no idea where to run (and if I should even run at all!). 

And as I thought I escaped the worst, I was greeted by another dog - this time a Bull Terrier! 
I was so close to this dog; and now on hindsight, it is even scarier after I hear about what this dog can do.

This Bull Terrier was on the back of a pick-up truck looking so innocent - and to be frank, I have never seen this type of dog before. So I happily point out this cute dog to King Kong, then she jumped a little and showed an expression of pure fear. She told me about how this type of dog can kill and asked me not to fool around when I am near this dog.

Great! As if I am not terrified enough, I now have a 'man-killer' to worry about. We picked up the pace, praying hard that the Bull Terrier is tied up or something. Personally, I just hope he/she doesn't jump out of the pick-up truck. 

Nevertheless, Day One ended pretty awesome - I've retasted Breezer Bacardi, a miss since my Liverpool days, tasted their cup noodles and super delicious seaweed potato chips. All in all, I went to bed a happy and tired girl thanks to the 5.6% alcohol.

My delightful pacifier

Day 2:

We made a wise decision to camp in Patong for two days instead of Rawai as Rawai was too peaceful for the three musketeers. Hence, we ditched our Rawai hotel on Day 2 and 3 and went to the bustling city of Patong. 

So we reached our destination after about 40 minutes of car ride, we greeted 7Q Hotel with a drama - King Kong left her phone in the car. 

Communicating in Thailand proved to be a huge challenge for me. I was at this shop when I was asking for a "raincoat". That lady asked me if I could speak English. OMG...I was speaking in English. Hahaha...

We later realise that in Phuket, whatever English word you say - just don't pronounce the "S".

The best part about Day 2 was the food! Although we lunched at McD, our dinner was super delicious! We went to a night market where there were so many different local delicacies spread in line, waiting for us! We had a variety of delicious street food, from BBQ pork, to Pad Thai to mi hun to "Pulut Mangga" (Mango Glutinous rice)...
And another great thing about this is that the food is super cheap!!!!!

We ended Day 2 with a happy stomach, and since the three of us were riding on one single motorcycle at once, our weight must have put an extra toll on the tiny little blue thing. 

The cheapest mode of transport!

Day 3:

It was great that we can afford taking it slow for this trip. We didn't have to wake up extra early, or anything. Well, at least I don't. I basically wake up when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it - and it was a totally relaxing vacation.

So I woke up around 11am on Day 3 and it was decided that we hit the beach!
We passed by Karon Beach on our first day and were mesmerised by the beautiful blue wavy waters! 
King Kong is not a beach person, but she bore with us for the day.

We spent the whole day at sea; it was heaven! I had my music on, my shades and a place to relax! And I was trying so hard to get tanned! I tried to avoid the umbrellas but I guess I wasn't that successful because I didn't got the colour I wanted at the end of the day.

King Kong by the beach

Still, I was very contented with the day. Walked twice along the beach...saw some beautiful people...played along the was laidback but fun. 

After a long day at the beach, King Kong requested for some good food, a more fancy restaurant for some Tom Yam. Knowing that we are on a very tight budget, she even volunteered to underwrite anything more than RM 30 that we have to pay. So we settled with her request and ate at one of the nicer Thai food restaurant by Patong Beach. The food were quite good, but I would say, slightly disappointing for a Thai restaurant in Thailand. I mean, ain't the place supposed to be better than what we have in Malaysia? I still think Elephant in Section 17 is better.

But I do enjoy the ambience and the live performance by this band. 

Day 4:

We had to meet up with King Kong's sister on Day 4, since her sis's cruise happened to stop at Phuket on that day itself. So after a few hours trying to communicate with our taxi driver (whose name is Wannaporn Dam Dam), we managed to reach the destination where the ship docked. It was a very interesting conversation between King Kong and the lady driver, because I gave up trying to talk since day 2 hahahaha!

Conclusion, Star Cruise is known as "Tar Crud". So I believe Tom Cruise would also be known as "Tong Crud". It was a hilarious experience and we laughed our way to the mall.

Had a scrumptious BBQ Plaza lunch before we dragged our lazy body for a walk. But I guess we were too lazy again, and ended up doing manicures instead. After wasting an hour on our hands and legs, we proceeded to walk around. King Kong and sis managed to do some shopping, so it was good.

At night, we brought Sis and Boyfriend to where we had our delicious street food - because we too missed it too much!

After the food, we walked along Bangla Road and got to see A LOT OF different social activities that was really an eye-opener (I don't know if it was in a good way).

So Day 4 ended up awesome as well, and we finished that day with a long ride back to our hotel in Rawai, to spend 2 last nights there.

Day 5:

They say Rawai is boring. 
Well, it is laidback. Especially if you are into living the village life. It is a village with a lot of market activities by the sea. Although you don't get a beach there, you will be able to hang out by the cafes which are next to the sea. 

Our simple brunch

The fishing village, Rawai

We started a laid-back brunch at one of the restaurants - but I wasn't very impressed with the food. 
Later we basically just hung out by the sea doing nothing. Oh well, I was listening to my music as usual and King Kong watching her Dramas via PPS streaming as usual. A good few hours were spent doing 'nothing' before we went back to the hotel.

Music all the way!

The pool was so beautiful that I had to take a dip, afterwhich, we went to Nikita's Bar for the much awaited dinner. We heard some good reviews of that place and we were NOT LET DOWN. Their pizza was to die for!

This pool is too beautiful in our Rawai Hotel. 

I made myself hungry

I am going to miss that place a lot but I am also excited to go back to KL. 

So our trip ended with an all high...and I had a fantastic Phuket Trip! The hospitality of the people here will be forever remembered. Can't wait to go back there again.

Now looking forward to my Bangkok trip! Woohoo!



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