Can't believe it's over...
6 days in a blink of an eye.
Nothing to look forward to anymore.

Bangkok - the great city. I've heard of its alluring food and its power to test women's will to not spend money shopping.


I do not think that I can elaborate all my feelings and experiences in Bangkok in just a single post, so I plan to do a Bangkok series, perhaps a few postings.

However, below are my top 10 moments in Bangkok (in no particular order):

When people touches your body all over...
I went to four different massages:

One (1) Full body massage at Healthland,Bangkok
One (1) Head and Shoulder massage
Two (2) foot massages

It was awesome; but let me tell you this, even with the amount of massages I had in the span of one week, I still can't recuperate from the muscle pain in my leg after the amount of walking I did.

Daily dose of Pad Thai and Mango Rice!
I fell in love with Thailand's Mango glutinous rice when I went to Phuket in June and I rekindled my love for the food in Bangkok. We had mango rice on a daily basis and I am still in love with it! Their rice's sticky texture together with the sweetness of the super sweet mango makes it a to-die-for combination!

Another type of food that we can't get enough of is Pad Thai. I just can't get enough of the clever mix of sweet and spice together with strands of Kuey Tiaw like noodles. Omg talking about it is making me hungry!

Needless to say, I've gained so so much weight that I look like I'm pregnant!

The Pad Thai I can't get enough of from Pier 21 located at Level 5 of Terminal 21 Shopping mall

Realised that we actually don't have any photos of the mango rice we ate daily because we were too busy EATING IT!! Well, this photo will have to cut it.
p/s: The mangoes are so yellow, I love it!

This version of the Mango rice is the classier one that we had at Long Table Restaurant

The Fast and Furious, Bangkok Version
We also managed to experience what it was being the pillion rider on a motorcycle cab (and yes, there is such a thing in Bangkok). And also, I experienced for the first time what it is like to be on a "Tuk Tuk".

I love the Motorcycle experience but it can actually be extremely deadly in Bangkok if your motorcycle "driver" is not professional enough or if he/she is the overly daring type who tries out various shifting and swirling stunts to make sure you reach your destination in the shortest time. But then again, there were so many cars jamming up the roads that I understand how people can get a tad impatient.

Even Tuk Tuk drivers can be dangerous on the road man!
We had this dude who tried to impress his friends by accelerating and lifting up his Tuk Tuk, and WE WERE IN IT. I was quite pissed with what he is doing and despite us saying No, he went to do it a couple more times until we really screw him. Thank God the rest of the Tuk Tuk drivers were more professional and careful on the road.

And the most impressive driving style that I've experienced in Thailand is their illegal U-turn.
Ya, coming from Malaysia, you'd thought you know what an illegal U-turn is right? But hells no! In Thailand, they really U-Turn as and when they like...say, the middle of the road?

I'd say it's awesome but then, if someone get killed over this, I really don't know what else to say.

Tuk Tuk incoming!!

Taxi much?

Oppa Bangkok Style
We took a few cab rides but nothing beats this driver who blasted Gangnam style on his radio for us.
He thought we were Korean and asked us what the song meant hahaha.

He then entertained us with more hits from Maroon 5 and Jason Mraz to name a few. It was like a K-Box Taxi and we all started singing and dancing in the car. It was fun and the traffic jam wasn't that bad anymore.

When you know you don't stand a chance with the two Hotties
Don't get excited but we were given a condom (the invitation card) and was invited to the Bed & Supper club for a party. It was not really my first club experience but because it is Thailand, it really is really slightly different as people are even more liberal here.

On the screen, there were projections of erotic photos of breasts and boobs which I believe serve the purpose of sexually arousing the people there. However, I was more disturbed by it as those models looked like dead people.

The first room we went to was bloody warm - to an extent that I almost fainted due to lack of oxygen.
But then, we got access to the other room which was so much better as we even got ourselves a bed! The best part though was that our "bed" neighbour, two hot guys, were so busy making out the whole time, I swear my eyes were like indefinitely glued on them. They were like drama queens (or kings) entertaining the crowd with their dances and crazy antiques, with hands and tongue all over each other. OMG! Seriously, I've never seen anything like this and the expression on Silvie's face is PRICELESS! Hahaha!

Plus, we tasted champagne for the first time! It was delicious...and thus, very dangerous because we enjoy drinking it. However, we were not really drunk, but went home slightly tipsy. Still we managed to walk straight and journeyed back to our hotel.

p/s: Wanted to check out prostitutes along the roadside but apparently, they were not working on Wednesday 

Silvie and myself trying to showcase our champagne

Cheers to the good life!

In da club!

I was "King"
To get to Wat Arun, we need to take a boat ride along the Chao Phraya river (translated to mean the King's river). So yes, I had a boat ride fit for a King, although not literally. It was smooth sailing at first but then we did come across some really rude boatman who practically shove me away and screamed at us when we asked for clarifications.

Oh well, it didn't ruin our moods although we were sweaty, sticky and exhausted because our destination, Wat Arun, was too amazing! 

Boat ride passes!

The King's Boat ride

The sight of Wat Arun from our Boat

Sadly, my profile ain't pretty enough to suit the scene...but do feel free to picture Marilyn Monroe

Being tall at last!
I can't really imagine that I've made it to the top (oh well, the highest they allow) of Wat Arun. The temple is beautiful but getting up to savour the view is a real challenge but I am glad that I did it with my 2-inch high slippers hahaha! Okay, maybe it wasn't really the climbing up that is most challenging; more like the going down part that is most scary, especially if you are scared of heights. I am lucky that heights don't scare me that much so it was still pretty easy on me; but if we were to go higher - I'm not so sure.

It was a tiring day that day, after traveling by the river and all but we made it through and I am so happy to be able to visit a temple. It's been a while and I am happy to be able to be in that peaceful 'sanctuary' again, although we did get chased out because of our 'inappropriate' outfits. It annoyed me that day because my thoughts were that, I worship with my heart and hence, even if I am naked, I should be allowed in because "God" won't judge me by what I wear. But I guess it dawned on me that it is a matter of respect.

The entrance of Wat Arun

And there were posers....

Literally, Peace

The Beautiful exterior of the temple

Yep, it's tall, but let's conquer it!

Just to give you a sense of its steepness

Had to do it...take photos! 

We made it!  Cameraperson also did conquer her fears!

Remember the "No-shorts" policy though

A final look at the amazing structure of Wat Arun

Sharing photos of our 'boyfriends' with a Korean girl 
We were on the Sky Train on the way to Siam Paragon when Stefani noticed a bunch of girls with a cool Samsung camera. I told Stef they must be Korean because Samsung is a Korean brand. Stefani being Stefani had to initiate funny conversations with strangers and I'm glad she did because then, I got a chance to utilise my Korean vocabulary hahaha! 

Stef was telling one of the girls that I like Taeyang and then I showed her my Taeyang photo on my phone. That was when she showed me this Korean dude (probably a celebrity) she claimed is her boyfriend and we started laughing. I asked, "namja chingu?" (boyfriend in Korean) and her friend was like "woah"...

I swear to God that was one of my proudest moment...I'd have asked them more stuff and perhaps make some new Korean friends but unfortunately they had arrived at their stop. So that also marked the stop of our conversation but we bid friendly farewells.

The tracks that led to some interesting places and people

Check out Taeyang on ma phone!

Shopping in "Hell"
The Chatuchak Market should have been our first stop. This place is full of great bargains that I had to take a loan to shop! Seriously, this place is awesome. This place is really the 'Shopping Hell' - "Hell", because it is hot under the burning sun, (but I'm not complaining, I love a good tan and some sweat!) and a lot of seductive items that make you want to burn your wallet.

So ya, it was our final shopping stop in the morning but I am so glad we made the decision to go.
I bought 2 more sunglasses because they were SO CHEAP! Awesomeness! Trust me, if I had more moo, I'd spend every penny here...

On the way to the market

Some cute stuff you find at the market

Cheers to getting good bargains!

Just being me...
My first three days were heaven because after good food and great sightseeing, I can go back to my room, snuggle under the comfy duvet and watch movies as there were some pretty awesome films playing those few days. was really really awesome I just can't describe how relaxing and great that feels. Sometimes, the simplest things make me the most happy and since I am a 90% couch-potato, you can't imagine how much I enjoyed curling in bed with Stylo and movies, books and some good companions - now that is the best way to end my day.

Those few nights, I really really feel sooooooooooo happy!
Unfortunately, there were no good movies the next few nights but my nights too were pretty awesome spent on reading and chatting.

So much more to share.
More postings coming up soon (hopefully)

Love and Cheers,
9-Oct12 to 16-Oct12


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