My sis listens to New Found Glory and of all the out-of-tune songs she sang, this particular one caught my attention and is stuck on my mind (even though sang out of tune). This is a nice song but if I were to sing it, I'd say I want to know instead haha.

First verse of the song is about meeting this someone, this special person. So it basically describes that head-over-heels in love feeling and not wanting to know what will happen next.

I don't wanna know
I don't wanna know

Your eyes were covered in sunglasses 
When they first met mine 
I sat there and stared at you 
You didn't seem to mind 
The awkward ways we meet 

First comes heavy breathing 
Staring at the ceiling 
What will happen next 
I don't wanna know 
I don't wanna know 

You know those times when you hang out with a guy whom you really like but you tend to always say the silliest things. I am always in one of those situations and this song's chorus basically explains the awkwardness one might feel when we are confronting our crush. But I don't know why the writer doesn't want to know what will happen next because I think I would want to know.

I never cared how I dressed before 
But I cared that night
Anticipation ran through my bones 
And my clothes never fit right
I can't wait 'til we meet again

I actually like this verse because it applies to life. I'm really the kind of girl who doesn't care about really dressing up or making up because I feel insecure wearing make-up. Instead of feeling pretty, I feel weird. So naturally, I prefer my t-shirts, singlets & shorts. You really should see me in my large T-shirts and shorts. King Kong always teases me when I'm in that. Darn it!

But I can't help but want to look good if I'm actually going out with my crush. I mean, of course, I believe it applies to everyone. And it is also true, it's like you can't seem to find the right outfit for the occasion. Usually, I think we probably end up picking the worst outfit there is. That's just how things work sometimes.

Framed pictures start to be put on the walls
Constant visits while I'm out on the road 
It's hard to leave sometimes
But you know where I lay my head at night

As the song lyrics progress, I assumed that the writer is finally with the girl he loves and they are crazily in love. She knows where he is every night, pictures of them together are now ornamenting the walls, that sort of thing. Well, I guess in other words, it's better if you don't want to know because then things will turn out better.

However, I wish I can say that I like the music video as much as I like the song. Truth is, I don't really get the music video. It's sad that sometimes, the music video doesn't reflect on the song at all.

I mean, the song is supposed to tell the story and I was really hoping that the music video is translating the lyrical expressions into visual work. But I guess, to a certain extent, I'm disappointed with the storyline of the music video. In terms of visual art effects, I think there were some pretty brilliant effects.

I mean, most country artiste have brilliant music video that is related to the song lyrics. And even if not related, the meaning is there. For this music video, it's either me who's shallow, or the music video is really that complicated.


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