I think I am doing a better job with my blogs, filling it with more positive emotions. It is great how awesome I feel lately; I am super busy travelling for the past week but I am super happy. If there is one thing I can ask for, it is for me to be less careless when I am tired. Because by the end of everyday, I'll be so dead that I make more mistakes when I try to clear off some work.

I try to take some time to fill in these electronic pages, whenever I can you know. I have a lot on my mind, but it can be challenging finding time to fixate these thoughts and memories. So, here are a few random things on my mind for the past few days.

It's interesting how I feel so at home when I am in Thailand. Probably because I visited Bangkok for a few times and I sort of know the place well. So when I am in Phuket, I feel almost at home and the people are just great! Maybe it is also because I have Thai coaches at Muay Thai classes, and so I feel like Thailand has always been near.

Awesome people
I can't thank the people I'm travelling with enough for their support and kindness. The media group this round are the nicest people I know and I sincerely liked them. I really still need to work on fighters' relations to avoid awkward moments and also for better time management (so that I don't waste their time). But I sincerely hope there are okay with the arrangements. I feel like sometimes, things do get a bit disorganised and I will work on that. I feel a bit sad thinking about that but I will do better.

Nevertheless, great memories were made throughout the past few days and I will remember them.

Most people know that I love beaches and coconuts! So, it was really hilarious for me when this journalist told me that he doesn't believe in buying coconuts. I don't know why I find it so funny. The reason he doesn't buy coconuts is because his grandmother stayed near the beach last time and they have easy access to coconuts. So now, he doesn't like beaches and he doesn't believe in buying coconuts.

The Award Winning Photographer
I love this guy Kanesan from The Star. You know, he is the type of guy whom people call "The Man" because he is just so cool. He has travelled to so many places, he has that kind smile, and he is the laidback (by laidback, I don't mean lazy though) type that is okay with anything and will adapt to everything. Hence, he is the kind of person who has friends everywhere, from around the world. I will remember when he asked if I can be his money changer, and he basically has currency from around the world. Singapore Dollar and even USD.

I totally admire him for his dedication as gives his all for the best shots! Check out my shot of him haha.

I'd also like to mention how hardworking the TV9 crew is. They are awesome. They were busting their a** off to submit their stories on time. Great to see such dedication. These people are my motivation to work hard.

The warm Filipinos
I love the Philippines, and their people even more. You can sense how warm and friendly they are the moment you meet them. The moment I met them and they greeted me, I know that these people are awesome because they are just genuinely nice.

The Fighting Streets
Still very awed by the gyms that lined up the roads. Chalong is practically a paradise for fighters and fitness buffs. You feel 50% more healthy here with their protein shakes and good food. The wraps from this place called Muscle Bar is the bomb! I am not kidding you - I don't know what they put in it, but I don't think we can get it anywhere else.

The Beach Shoot
Anything "beachy" is my thing. I had a field trip - I feel guilty, maybe I shouldn't because I should be working. But I could really spend a whole day there with my music, book and the sun.

And then, let me point out the obvious, we also have the hot fighters.

Robert "Ruthless" Lisita, Australian Top fighter and ONE FC featherweight fighter speaking to TV9

Malaysia's top ONE FC Flyweight prospect, Gianni Subba with TV9

I still can't get over how beautiful Kata Noi is. I am going to miss those times with all of them but I will definitely go back there for some alone time. It was a great trip. I also had fun chilling with a few journalist over a few drinks, chatted about life and shared a few good laughs. Sometimes, happiness is just that simple. And I truly believe it is having the right people in your life.


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