When this song played in the middle of the movie "The Journey", I remember tears pouring down my face. It was one of the most touching scenes in the movie.

Now that I understand the meaning of the song, I love it even more and I knew why this song has been selected as the theme song of the movie. It is about how love is just a step away and it is always hard for us to say that we love that person. In the movie, Bea loves her father, and her father loves her, but it is just so hard for them to tell each other.

I guess in more uptight families, it is quite hard to express love verbally. But this song somehow reminds us that love is always just one step away. We just need to say it, so that we don't regret not saying it. If you know how it feels to have the hesitation to express love, this would be a song you can relate to. I also love this girl's style of music. It is calming.

天上終於遇見 地上終將離別
Tien shang zhong yu yu jian di shang zhong jiang li bie
The skies finally meet, the Earth will eventually part

別人的幸福 總是近在眼前
Bie ren de xing fu zong shi jin zai yan qian
Other people's happiness is always in sight

愛卻是我們之間 唯一不說的語言
Ai que shi wo men zhi jian wei yi bu shuo de yu yan
Love is the only language we don't speak between us

白天微笑的臉 夜裡留下的淚
Bai tian wei xiao de lian ye li liu xia de lei
The smiling face in the morning, the tears at night

所有的困惑 打成一個死結
Suo you de kun huo da cheng yi ge si jie
All the confusion becomes a knot
愛竟是我們之間 快樂悲傷的鍛煉
Ai jing shi wo men zhi jian kuai le bei shang de duan lian
The love between us is a happy and sad exercise 
(something like, it's an emotional rollercoaster ride, I think)


其實我有多愛你 然而這世界從來不提醒
Qi shi wo you duo ai ni ran er zhe shi jie cong lai bu ti xing
Actually I really love you but this world never seemed to mention

Shui bu zai mo mo deng dai zhe hui ying
Who isn't silently waiting for a reply

Ran er zhen xin zong bei shuo tai jiao qing
However the true love is deemed as friendship


眼神早已經證明 只是我們都不願意相信
Yan shen zao yi jing zheng ming zhi shi wo men dou bu yuan yi xiang xin
Our eyes have already proven but we chose not to believe

其實愛在我們之間 只有一步的距離
Qi shi ai zai wo men zhi jian zhi you yi bu de ju li
Actually the love between us is just one step away

Repeat **

就算已緊緊抓住 為什麼還會想哭
Jiu suan yi jin jin zhua zhu wei shen me hai hui xiang ku
Although we firmly grasp on, why do I still feel like crying?

Shi wo tai zhen xi quan bu
It's because I cherished too much

別怕再遙遠的距離 因為愛會帶著你
Bie pa zai yao yuan de ju li yin wei ai hui dai zhe ni
Don't be afraid of the distance, because love will guide you...

Yes meaningful in so many levels haha.


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