Yo yo! So a quick short and hopefully crisp blog post before I head off to dreamland.
So much has been going on lately but that is a good thing because when I am too busy to write, I guess it really just means I am out there living life.

Just today, I reunited two friends and I realised how much I miss having the three of us hang out together like how it used to be. I always felt like the third wheel with them, and I think I still do but I realised that in some relationships, everyone has a role to play and I believe I am the third wheel that somehow brings them together as friends. 

I don't mind not having the same common topics to discuss when they are together because deep down, I think I really enjoy seeing both of them being cool again with each other. And yes, last time, it gets annoying when they bicker and leave me out of certain conversations - but I guess that was how our friendship dynamics is meant to be. Today, I am a happy girl for we got to sit down together again as three good friends.

Update on the job
Work has been awesome recently I guess. We have projects spilling in and I have re-dedicated myself to work while finding some good life balance. I have made some blunders while adjusting to new changes at work, but I just want to take a moment to be grateful for some of the awesome people who have been forgiving and supportive. And to God for giving me the strength to pull through and making it easier for me. 

I need to get back to being active at Muaythai. I have been slacking and only managed an average of one class per week and it really sucks! Now whenever I skip classes, I feel so guilty and I somehow manage to eat even more. I mean, I am a fat kid at birth but I want to at least feel healthy - you know what I mean.

So yes, I shall stop even whining here and start working my a**. Let's do it, says Nike. Oh I mean, Just do it.

You see, today I was once again reminded of how awesome some people are. Ann Osman and Emily Barner - a special shout out to these two girls. Osman, Malaysia's first ever female pro-MMA fighter on ONE FC and her manager. I have told them they are awesome before and today, I was reminded again why for reasons I can't reveal. To be working with them, I feel grateful as they made my life much easier due to their cooperation and dedication.

And then, I am reminded of all the other Malaysian fighters.
Ok, let me shout out to all the Malaysian fighters and Tune Talk Warriors, might as well.
Adam Kayoom, Peter Davis, Gianni Subba, AJ Pyro, Saiful Merican, Melvin Yeoh, Ting... hey you all! Thanks for being awesome and so nice! Thanks for being so dedicated and hardworking and committed. I am really proud to have you all represent my country. I really am.

See, I want to say I understand them fighters but I don't think I could really know what it's like to juggle interviews and training. It is in fact a huge sacrifice when they make time off their training schedules to help us out with interviews. And all the local fighters, they have all committed to everything. It is hard, but they have always managed. 

Sometimes, you get real tired of people, but sometimes, you are just very grateful to have wonderful beings out there who make it all seem a little worth while.

Sometimes you won't know what path you want to take, but one of my new motto, besides "Don't always give a damn" is to "Cross the Bridge when you get there".

Yep, let the ship set sail with no direction for a bit and see where it takes you. It's like I am penning lyrics but really, I think I will let the wind decide for now. I have ships - I just need to decide on one and go! But I shall try to avoid the Bermuda Triangle.


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