It's been a while and I have been MIA for the past few days for a lot of reasons. 
It is Chinese New Year but for my family, this year is not exactly what we'll call a Happy Chinese New Year. As much as I love Horses and is looking forward to a great year, I would really want to point out that the first few weeks or rather days have been challenging for us all.

First up we have grandma who is battling or rather, struggling with cancer. Her condition has been deteriorating and these few weeks have been even tougher on all of us as she become weaker. Cancer is evil. No one is deserving of this unpredictable illness that can take away the lives of people we love. Still cancer has robbed us off a lot of people. With grandma, we have witness how her condition turned from bad to worst. Right now, we are just praying that she will leave peacefully with all the happy memories of us and our love.

The Chinese New Year also saw me bed-ridden for 3 days due to viral fever. On the first day of Chinese New Year, I actually visited the hospital for a jab. Very interesting as it is my first after a very long time. I am just glad I am 70% better. Something still doesn't feel right but I hope things will get better soon.

Oh well, not all is bad I guess.

Perspective is very important and I am very glad that I see 2014 with a very more positive view. Despite these challenges, and the current career dilemma I am facing, I guess I am still very grateful for a lot of things. I just pray hard that this road bump and low period past really soon, so that I can look forward to happier things.

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and just like the Horse, may us be blessed with the strength to work hard and charge forward in embracing the year ahead. May the Horse be with you.


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