Disney cartoons are a huge part of my childhood. I grew up with The Lion King's sunrise, the Colours of Pocahontas' Wind, Princess Jasmine's Whole New World and Belle's Beast. They are so deeply embedded in my life that till today, I am still in love with their soundtracks because they bring back so many childhood memories back in our small shop-cum-house back in Ipoh. And you have to admit, the songs bring out the "fairytale" in you.

I have watch some of these Disney cartoons a hundred times, to a point where I can almost remember the dialogues. Some of my memories involving Disney:

#1 Locked myself in the room and cried to sleep when dad recorded TVB drama on my "Beauty and the Beast" tape

#2 We always role play and acted alongside our "Beauty and the Beast" cartoon

I decided to write this post after listening to a few Disney song covers on Youtube. I guess I am not the only one who think Disney songs are classics! Inspired by these singers, I've put together my Top 8 Disney movies/cartoons and why I love them. As I grew older, I'm beginning to see the values each of these cartoon bring with it.

#10 Pocahontas
I have watched Pocahontas many many times and its soundtrack is one of my favourites! I remember how the song "Listen to Your Heart" lullabyed me to sleep every afternoon. Still my least favourite cartoon, not because it doesn't have a fairytale ending, but because I find the characters not memorable. I don't remember really adoring Pocahontas as a character, and somehow, John Smith ain't the dream guy for me.

But delving deeper into the values of the cartoon, it teaches us to be adventurous in life and not just accept what is set for us. Be courageous and do something different from the norm - just like Pocahontas.

My favourite song from the cartoon is "Colours of the Wind".

"You think I'm an ignorant savage, and you've been so many places, I guess it must be so, but still I cannot see, if the savage one is me, how can there be so much that you don't know..."
The starting of the song reminds us of humility - to never think we are better than anyone, or feel that we are more superior because we are more "educated". We can learn from anyone, everywhere because that's the wonderful thing about life - we learn from each other no matter who we are.

It has further depth in its lyrics, teaching us to feel things and emotions, to learn about what's within something and not just be attracted to what's physical.
"You thing you own whatever land you land on, the Earth is just a death thing you can claim, but I know every rock and tree and creature, has a life has a spirit, has a name."

#9 Sleeping Beauty
I remember watching this tooooooooo many times because I love the three little fairies. Yes, it was the three little cute fairies that make this cartoon memorable, and one of my top 10. Princess Aurora is one of the prettiest princess but to be honest, her character is never the most memorable. And definitely not the prince.

My favourite part of the cartoon is when the three fairies try to bake a cake for the princess and also make a dress for her and were quarreling over whether it should be pink or red.

#8 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I wrote about of my favourite Notre Dame song previously called "God Help the Outcast". And although as a kid, the Hunchback of Notre Dame was one of the least favourite cartoon, I've learned to appreciate it more as an adult.

To learn to not judge a person by who they are born as or their physical appearence and to learn to accept yourself despite the flaws - these are some of the key messages from the cartoon. I love Quasimodo, such an inspirational character and I remember crying quite a bit watching the cartoon. Yes, I was at one point a cry baby and had tissues accompanying me throughout the cartoon.

Hence, safe to say, Quasimodo landed The Hunchback of Notre Dame on the number 8 spot on my list.
And read about why I like "God Help the Outcast" here.

#7 The Little Mermaid
I don't know why but I just love this cartoon. For most part of my life, I've only watch half of this cartoon, mainly because the front part of my video tape is Scooby Doo (I had no idea who recordeed Scooby on top of my Ariel, but oh well...since it is from my cousin, I presume it is her).

But still I love love love the cartoon maybe because the Mermaid is so beautiful. Hahaha.
My favourite song from the movie is "Under the Sea" and following closely behind is "Kiss the Girl".

I love "Under the Sea" because it reminds us that the grass always look greener on the other side. The lyrics are fun and very well-written. Plus it is an award winning song! Come have some fun as I bring you under the sea!

#6 Lilo & Stitch   
"Ohana" means family - that is the most memorable phrase from the cartoon.
I don't know why but I always love things "Hawaiian". Their chics are cute, their guys are hot, and their beaches beautiful. The entire culture seems attractive. I love Lilo and Stitch because I find Stitch cute and I love the values of family portrayed in the movie. Family helps you overcome more than you imagine. To be honest, I am not a family person although they do mean a lot to me and is my pillar of strength and support. And so, I always need warm reminders of the importance of family. But from the movie, I've learned that family is not also just a bond by blood, more often than not, it is also a connection or bond of friendship. I have a lot of different families everywhere and I love them all!

The best song from the movie - Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride because it always gets me in the mood for the beach!

#5 Tarzan
I've watched this a million times when I was young because I am in love with Jane! And I like the idea of falling in love with a jungle boy haha. Tarzan lands at number 5 because I love the way the cartoon teaches us to embrace those who seems different, yet, so the same. And the songs from Tarzan are so meaningful that I still love the soundtrack till today.

My favourite song is the touching "You'll be in my Heart" sang by Tarzan's mother to him as a lullaby. Whenever I listen to this song, I will remember a mother's love for her child.

#4 Mulan
If there is one heroine that I admire the most, it has to be Mulan. Of course right, she defines Girl Power and I am always into that "shit". I always admire girls who are different and would always challenge themselves and are not afraid to be adventurous. "Reflection" is definitely my favourite song because it always describe how I feel about myself and life, especially when times I feel like I can't be myself. But there is another one that I also really enjoy, and here's how I make a man out of you!

I grew up with these top three cartoons, hence they have a great impact in my life.

#3 Aladdin  
Just a fairytale and a reminder that dreams do come true.
My favourite song and scene is the romantic adventure on the magic carpet. Yes, I still have that "romantic" side from when I was young and so I do love this song when I am in a dreamy mode.

#2 Beauty & the Beast
I love love love this cartoon. I think it is the idea of falling in love with someone just because of who they are inside and not because of what is outside. Yes, I know some of you will be like, bla bla bla, cut that personality crap but really, I believe that until today. I have seen handsome chaps turn ugly because of their unsightly personality and people who just look so much prettier because they are beautiful on the inside. It is no wonder I grew up understanding that, because of my love for Beauty and the Beast.

I have a lot of favourite tracks from this cartoon so I will have to share 2.

First is the opening track - Belle. It is a bright and sunny song that will definitely cheer you up on a Monday morning. So start your day with this song!

The next is a sweet song called Something There, sung when they both fell in love.

#1 The Lion King 
This is the first movie I watch that made me cry. When Mustafa died, I was so heartbroken because Simba lost his father. I love how the movie teaches us to forgive ourselves, and also, take life easy. And most of all, I am too proud to be a Leo, and so I love lions.

I can't recall how many times I've watched this but yes, this will forever be my number 1 cartoon!!
My favourite song...

Hakuna Matata because it means NO WORRIES! And that really is quite an important philosophy!

With Love,


  1. What about newer movies, like The Princess and the Frog or Tangled? I thought both of those were better than Pocahontas. And no mention of either Cinderella or Snow White??

    1. You are right - The Princess and the Frog and Tangled are also nice movies. Just that it didn't leave too much of an impression on me as they weren't part of my childhood. Can you believe I have also never watched Snow White? Haha...


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