This is to remember the time when I first saw your face
Just a few months back
You just stood out from the crowd
Despite your shyness

This is to remember that time when I finally know who you are

Although I've came across your name
I never knew it was you
Although I've seen you before

This is to remember that time when I got annoyed

On that one stressful day
When I need to contact you
But you were not reachable
And I thought you were a snob

This is to remember that time when we first spoke

And it was all natural
And I couldn't care less who you were
I just talk without any shyness

This is to remember that time when we sang

And spoke about music and life and interest

This is to remember that time when things changed

And it got weird for me
This is to remember the time
That I need to stop thinking
For it is unreal...

This is the time I came back to reality...


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