People will always think they have the best way of doing things...
I will forever remember this phrase - my client told me. The fact that he did not blame anyone but took it as a team decision spoke volume about him.

With that in mind, today, I went through yet another tough event - another challenge that made me doubt myself. And the fact that everyone seemed to start having opinions about things and talked louder made me a tad frustrated. It is not that I don't care, but I realised that perhaps, it shouldn't be bugging me at all. It is just one life we are living; doesn't really have to be that awesome. I will die anyway. As long as I have been nice to people, I think I've lived a good life. I've my moments but I too will have some ridiculous lows, driven lower by insecure people who will try to keep you down.
I am not perfect and I guess one of my weaknesses is that I am weak in management and organisation. Oh please, everyone already knows. But sometimes, I just wish that someone would give me some credit for even trying. And perhaps it is time to give up even.

But I realised how different I am now. I have learned to see things from a different perspective and to be a lot more optimistic. If it is my fault, I will just try to not defend myself and then try to move on. If others blame me, then I will just try to shut up and accept for I think no excuse is required because other people can judge for themselves.

I have some people to thank for helping me feel that way. And they don't know how much they means to me at the moment. They are the ones who understand because they know what is happening and have been through the same. They don't just say things; they are the ones who have done things.

Although they might not be who I think they are, but they gave me something to live for and something to feel happy about. From them, I learned that we need to stay positive and feel blessed. From them, I learned to stay focus and keep frustrations away. That is what they pushed me to think. There is a happy feeling that they give me everytime I am sad. I learn about team work from some of them, friendship and also passion and love. Thanks for appreciating and understanding. Thanks for giving me a reason to continue fighting.

I am just happy thinking about the memories. It is weird but as long as the bubble doesn't burst, I will have the positive feeling that I am feeling. And to you, you have made me understand something that I've never really understood before. And I guess, if that is the way it is, I know why it is a good thing. And the truth is, I will never expect and I hope, I will never feel down when it is lost. Just stay the same and be the great sweet person you are. In many ways, you have a special place in my hard for some weird reasons I can't even describe.

Recently I am reading a book by Ellen DeGeneres. I love the way she writes. Short. Crisp. Hilarious.

I realised you don't need to be Shakespeare to produce intelligent content. Ellen is brilliant because she talks about life and her principles in such a light-hearted manner that you just want to continue reading it.

She wrote about bits and pieces of everything and although, it seems like there's no point to the book - it really is just a collection of great stories and life principles. I like her, Ellen. I agree with a lot of things she says and believes. Things about us not enjoying simple things in life anymore just because we are grown up. Kids laugh at everything but we don't. How true. That's why I love kids. They are innocent. They make us happy just by being happy.

She talks about being unique and different, and not to worry about being judged. She wrote about what defines beauty and the way she puts it, wonderfully written - so precise and apt that I had to print screen it for keeps and share it on Facebook.

It is a therapeutic book. I laugh before bed time now. Thanks to her. And I know why she is who she is today. Such a great personality who just knows how to turn any situation into a comedic one.

With that, it is type to savour the electronic pages of Ellen DeGeneres's book - Seriously... I'm Kidding.

p/s: Just want to say thank you to all that matters to me at work, at home and during fun times. You won't know who you all are, but you'll always be in my prayers.


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