As September is coming to an end, I thought of putting some random thoughts I have as I am travelling fixated.

On tall buildings...
I was walking on the busy streets of Singapore today and I realised how beautiful those tall structures were. They literally adorn the skyline with their architecture designs. Beautiful and then I thought about what it's like actually working in one of these structures. I have never really worked in these high rise buildings before but I have had the opportunity to work with clients who have offices in the sky. And I realised that I would never actually want to work in those buildings. Somehow, when I feel that when you work in big organisations, you get stuck in the lifestyle where image and money all become so important and relevant. For me, I tend to believe that those things are not. As beautiful as those buildings are, the glory and fame that they represent somehow don't jive well with me. 

I prefer smaller outfits with simple lifestyles and with more personal touches. 
More importantly, I can go to work without thinking about my outdated closet.

On luxury...
Luxury doesn't mean expensive items. But generally, people has labelled luxury as expensive items and it has become the definition of the word.

In truth, luxury could just mean comfort or something that is welcomed. But let's just talk about luxury as expensive stuff in this post. 

Do not get me wrong - these expensive things have their importance, especially when you are working in a corporate environment. It is good to also use these items as a motivation to work harder in life. If you really like these things, and can afford it, why not. That's what I am saying. I just advise against chasing it and being desperate about it.

But I have always believed that luxurious items do not define a person - they never do. People doesn't know that. Some have this thinking that people sees them through the Gucci bag they carry, the LV shoes they wear. The truth is, a poor person who is well-mannered and who decently carries him or herself will get even more respect and admiration than the rude rich girl who blinds people with her expensive blings. You know it's true. You might butter that person up, but you know deep down, you will hate him or her, and most probably would want to slap that person in the face if you ever have the authority to, or have the guts to. 

Personally, I am lucky that the things that defines me are the simpler things in life. It is really not that I am not grateful for the 'expensive' things I get to enjoy, trust me, I am very grateful for all the sushi, sashimi, steak and luxurious hotels I get to stay in... it is just that, those are really not the things I chase all the time. I don't grow up in a rich family but I was always happy. For me, I am more grateful that my dad and mum taught me to be able to feel happy without the need to have expensive things.

The City of the Merlion
After spending about 4 days in Singapore, I finally understand what people mean about living in Singapore. I understand why people doesn't like it.

For example, I went into Starbucks and just wanted to chill with my music and eBook but  I can't even find a seat! Then I realised how awesome Malaysia is because I can always chill in Starbucks. These are simple luxury that we never realise we have until you can't find it. 

Singapore is always packed with people. There is like no single moment of silent in Singapore, unless you are at home. And if you have a small house, really, you don't know if you want to get out or stay in. So now I get it. I really do. 

But I know Singapore is a very systematic and organised country. You feel safe. You know that everything is in order, and that is a good thing. I love that about Singapore. That's life I guess - there is no such thing as a perfect situation, a perfect place, or a perfect person. I guess, we only choose the option that is best for us.

Tough month my dear September. So much sadness but I thank you for the happy thoughts. For bringing me someone who brings me hope. 
We shall hope for better October.


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