Can't believe it has already been a week. The memories of last weekend still pretty fresh in my mind. 16 hours of track walking and an urban campsite aren't things one would forget easily. 

Sorry the post came slightly late really, was searching for the inspiration to write some meaningful and touching but when none of these emotions came, I decided to fall back to being lame and hilarious with this posting.

So, I've been part of a very interesting event called the Relay for Life, organised by the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM). Sabah Tea has been sponsoring their Facebook fans to join this event since three years ago, but although I have made promises, I've never really kept them.

2013, finally, I made it happen and redeemed myself. I was really excited to be able to camp again as it has been a while since I last join a camping trip and camping in an uptown environment is really something new. Like my colleague put it, "No worries, we are camping in a very civilised area." We've already identify the A&W outlet nearby and decided from the start that we will spend time there. 

So last Saturday at 4pm, together with Stylo Mylo, we challenged ourselves and arrived at Dataran PJ for the first round. When the Relay was officiated, we all had to march around the track with banners and one of my colleagues, John, took the opportunity to wave like a celebrity. The most embarrassing part was when he urged us all to do the same because he said, "You do know that is what you have to do right?" I had no idea he was serious, but yes, he was serious.

After about six circles, me and my pals headed off to my friends' baby's fullmoon party, leaving the rest of my colleagues circling the tracks.

I felt bad missing out on the Luminaria ceremony, which I heard was awesome as people lighted up lanterns in memory of loved ones who lost their lives to cancer and also to celebrate those who triumph against cancer. Oh well, at least I got to see the photos. Will not miss it again next year.

When I arrived back at camp at around 10.40pm, the venue morphed into a mini concert where the crowd was going wild, dancing to the sound of some local rock band. I ventured back to my task at hand - continue walking. With music, it really was no problem at all. I love the peace I get being alone with music - as much as I am noisy, no one understands how much I appreciate my time alone - like now, as I am writing this.

But after about an hour, I was joined by my colleagues and before we knew it, we decided to have a go with the cards we brought. We played a few rounds of random games but we soon realised that sitting motionless made you a bloody feast for the mosquitoes. Yep, a few bloodsuckers enjoyed me a lot as I had never been stung that badly before! 

Perhaps that's a strategy to get us walking and on we went circling the tracks until 2.30am, I had to say this: "Can we go for our float at A&W. I think everyone was waiting for someone to say it and soon, we find ourselves sitting inside A&W, each with a cup of energy booster in the form of coke and ice-cream. I also savoured my favourite curly fries. Happiness can be so simple.

After that, we just walked on throughout the night. Although we were exhausted, we really had a lot of fun laughing and sharing stories that night. Very glad to have such awesome company that night and I would do it all over again next year.

Thank you Sabah Tea for sponsoring all of us!


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