The entire Malaysia was buzzing when we heard the news about the missing MAS Flight MH370 yesterday at 2:40am. There were so many different rumours and speculations that no one really knew what to believe. I chose to disregard the bad news and hope for only the best case scenario. I also agree that we shall not spread rumours about what happened to the plane unless it has been confirmed. This is because I can totally imagine the emotional roller coaster ride that the family of the passengers must be going through and these rumours will only cause more panic. Nevertheless, we know that the fact that the news and rumours spreaded so fast because people cared. And that really is commendable.

I credit the news team who has worked so hard to keep everyone posted - NTV7, Yahoo!, Astro - all of them were working throughout the weekend to provide us all on the latest updates. It comes to show what a caring society we have and I love how the entire nation and world have come together to help each other. At times like this, humanity is restored.

When you hear of things like this, you can't help but take a moment to ponder about life. My cousins and I were all eating lunch earlier and somehow, we discussed what it'll feel like to be one of the passengers up there in the plane. The moment that you know that you might be looking at death in the face, what would you do?

I am not sure if it surprises you but all of us seemed to be okay with it. I guess Death doesn't scare us - but I think a painful death scares me. I don't think death is a scary thing - everyone has to die one day. Most people do not want to die because they feel like they have people they care about that they can't left behind, or things they want to do that they haven't accomplished. Come to think about it, it is quite sad that I am not scared of death. It is because I am selfish. There isn't anyone that I am worried about yet - my parents, I always feel they still have my siblings. And I feel people can live without me.

But if I had to go, and if I were in a situation where I know I will have to die, I feel that I have to thank everyone who has done so much for me in my entire life. I have never done as much for them. I want them to know how sorry I am for not being able to do more, and how I wish they would forgive me for all the wrongs I've done or the stupid words I said. And I want them all to know that I love them so much although I don't say it enough. Most of all, I want them to know how thankful and grateful I am to have them in my life. 

My parents, who has brought me up and raised me to become who I am today. Although I am not near perfect, they did a pretty amazing job with us.

My friends - I have a long list of them all. I need to thank all of them for always making me feel a part of something, for bringing so much joy (and sorrows) to my life. Without them, I know life wouldn't be the same and I wouldn't be happy.

I think we have to learn to be grateful, for no one knows what a twist of fate will do to our lives and as much as we want good stuff to happen, sometimes, challenge and tragedy might greet us instead.

But whatever it is, we have to learn from others' misfortune (somehow it sounds so cruel, but you know what I mean), and remember to stop complaining about our own life. We are blessed in many ways and some people really have it worst.

So let's all take a moment to pray for everyone on MH370 and take this time to be grateful for everything.


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