My Dear Heart,
I'm sorry for the hurt our brain has put you through,
The illusions and fantasies,
Had bought you a lot of misery

My Dear Heart,

I'm impressed with how strong you are,
Because you don't break easy,
The irony is,
The brain who hurt you so much,
Has also helped you get through,
With rationality

My Dear Heart,

Although it hurts now,
There will always be better days,
Because there is always a way,
To heal, to feel better,
To forget

My Dear Heart,

You are always my guide,
I will always feel you,
And I will always follow you,
But sometimes,
I let the Brain take charge,
Because I don't know what to do anymore,
And people say it is the smarter choice,
So if it hurts,
I am sorry,
Because I am not brave enough ,
Because Ego also gets in the way,
I let them have the last say,
But let's promise to never let our principles sway

My Dear Heart,

I think the brain has recently taken control over both of us,
Maybe because you have also learned to protect yourself,
To not trust,
To not believe,
Because the Brain made you see reality,
And it destroyed our ability,
To see the hope that in this world there is still beauty

My Dear Heart,

We will get through this together,
The three of us - you, me and Brain,
To find wisdom,
To learn to love without expectations,
To give but also to learn to take,
To hurt but also know that pain is what makes us strong,
And help us grow

My Dear Heart,

At the end of the day,
You are the key to life,
For once you stop beating,
We stop living,
So let's keep moving,
And make life worth living,
Make your hard work worth every beat,
With no regrets


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