I love this song because it basically describes my outlook in love for now haha. Being a single for almost 23-years, the song embodies the fact that I just haven't met that special person yet and you know what, it is perfectly okay. Who am I kidding though, there is always the stress when everyone around you are getting into serious relationships and you look like an idiot "lamp-post" who are always in the way haha. Then there is always the 'gentle' reminder by your mum about the fact that it is time to at least make an effort to start a relationship.

Call me stupid but I believe too much in fate and destiny that I just can't fight for love. I chose to believe that if it's meant to happen, it will happen and if it's not, there's nothing you can do to really make it happen. Plus, if there's the right person out there for you, God has His way of bringing him into your life. 

Anyway this is a Michael Buble song. I love Michael Buble because he revolutionizes oldies and brings in something contemporary into these type of easy listening tracks. Plus, his music is always relaxing to sing along to, though some of his more jazzy tracks are not my thing. 

Taken from his latest album, Crazy love, this is Michael Buble with Haven't Met You Yet.

I'm not surprised,
Not everything lasts,
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track.
Talk myself in,
I talk myself out,
I get all worked up,
Then I let myself down,

I tried so very hard not to lose it;
I came up with a million excuses,
I thought I thought of every possibility,

And I know some day that it’ll all turn out,
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out,
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get~ mmm.......
I just haven't met you yet.

I've never been in any relationships but that doesn't mean I've never had a crush or feel that I like that someone but I always talked myself out of it because I always feel or rather, worry that it just wouldn't work out. Trust me, I can think of a million ways why things just won't work out because I just think I'm not good enough you know. And whenever I feel that way, I sorta backed out. But like the song say, if there's this one special person out there who is the perfect fit, I believe that things would just work magically right. Even if it's wrong, it will feel right. Call me naive (-naive-) but I really believe that. 

I might have to wait,
I’ll never give up,
I guess it's half timin', and the other half's luck,
Wherever you are,
Whenever it's right,
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life.

I agree most with the phrase "It's half timing and the other half's luck".
There were so many times that I felt that perhaps the timing were just off and that if things had happened a bit differently, the ending of my story would be different. Like I said, many times I would give up love for career and every time, I felt that my career decisions had caused me the opportunity to spend time with a particular person that I kinda like at the time. But then, if it we were meant to be, it'll work out someday...and it'll be amazing :P. Arguably though, I guess we do need to fight for love to a certain extend, but then we just need to know when fighting for it is just not worth it any more. 

And I know that we can be so amazin',
And baby your love is gonna change me,
And now I can see every possibility, mmmmmm....

Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out,
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out,
And promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get, mmmm....
I just haven't met you yet.

They say all’s fair
in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it,
we'll get it right an',
we'll be united

I just haven't met you yet,
Oh, promise you kid,
To give so much more than I get.

I said love love love love love love love..... 
I just haven't met you yet
Love love love .....
So doy day ay ay ay, ay ay yeah
I just haven't met you yet!

This is like one of my most favourite video because it features my favourite Dancing with the Star pro, Cheryl Burke

Here is the official video

Oh well, say what you want about me being in self-denial but during one of those days I feel lonely or sad seeing mushy couples doing all mushy stuff, I'll just think of Michael Buble haha. I just haven't met you yet, my love ;P

Okay right now, it's back to worrying about my work and my career since tomorrow is Monday and the start of another week.
Hope all goes well. Cheers!~

With Lotsa Love,


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